Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Music ~ Best Lyrics

Lyrics, lyrics, lyrics.  Rhythm and melody are so important to a song that lyrics can be overlooked.  Whenever I hear a new song I pull up the lyrics to see what the artist is really talking about.  Specific song lyrics have gotten me through the good and bad times and I pretty much think lyrics and music itself have changed and will continue to change the world...so on to some of the best lyrics (in my extremely important opinion):

"Whisper words of wisdom, let it be." Let it Be ~ Beatles

"Celebrate we will, 'cause life is short but sweet for certain." Two Step ~ Dave Matthews Band

"You make it real for me." You Make it Real for Me ~ James Morrison

"You should have seen that sunrise with your own eyes
it brought me back to life
You'll be with me next time I go outside." 3x5 ~ John Mayer

"Round my hometown memories are fresh." Hometown ~ Adele

"In your love, my salvation lies." Orange Sky ~ Alexi Murdoch

"They are one person
They are two alone
They are three together
They are for each other." Helplessly Hoping ~ Crosby Stills and Nash

"When you're gone,
all the colors fade.
When you're gone,
no New Years parade." Colors ~ Amos Lee

"We stood by the ocean
Turned our hearts in to one
We laid in bed all day." Thirteen ~ Ben Kweller

"With so many people to love in my life
Why do I worry about one?
You put the happy in my ness
You put the good times into my fun." Walk Away ~ Ben Harper

"The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind." Blowin' in the Wind ~ Bob Dylan

I really could go on forever here, but I'll leave you on that Dylan note.  Don't overlook lyrics, they're amazing (most of the time). Peace. Love. Lyrics.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Spontaneous - Hero's, Martyr's, and Saints Speech

I decided to post a speech I wrote for the final project of the best class I've ever taken. Period. Hero's, Martyr's, and Saints pushed my boundaries and allowed me to think in ways I've never known possible.  Since that class three years ago, the way I read, the way I dream, and the way I live have changed drastically for the better.

Here it is:

When I was choosing a writing class, I knew I wouldn’t solely be filling a requirement with Heroes, Martyrs, and Saints because the topics greatly appealed to me.  What I didn’t know at the time though, was that this class would not only broaden my academics but also would more importantly revolutionize all of my personal beliefs and change my life.  So much of what I’ve learned in this class has challenged my convictions that I previously thought were concrete and has introduced many paradoxical concepts that now affect my daily life.  This semester I’m also taking a class on Eastern Religions which greatly relates to this course, so I decided to represent my points with a yin yang, that describes the way that seemingly opposing forces are bound together.

Writing and Literature classes that I’ve taken in the past have always stressed the importance of relying on the author’s word as doctrine.  But, this is the first class that has truly allowed me to have my own voice.  Coleridge’s ideas on the differences between fancy and imagination highlight one of the most important lessons of this course, and life in general.  Fancy is simply stating what you already know based on memory while imagination involves the creation of novel ideas. To me, fancy is the stepping-stone on the way towards imagination and neither can stand on its own.  It was crucial that we began the course with Emerson who taught of the importance of imagination over fancy.  Although Emerson presents his own imaginative ideas, he encourages readers to choose to agree or disagree and has instilled within me the power of originality.  Gandhi and Thoreau teach a similar lesson, as they believe one should not just simply listen to the law as the ultimate authority.  If unjust laws exist it is our responsibility to use our imagination in ways to amend them.  Aside from setting the path for the rest of the course, Emerson more importantly set the path for the rest of my life.  Now, instead of relying on the words of others as creed I look to them for guidance to pave the way for my own ideas.  I’ve learned that I have so much more life to live and my potential is boundless.  Instead of disregarding my own thoughts that I previously believed to be insignificant, I now appreciate them.  I used to be afraid to focus in on my thoughts, but now I take time out every day to attempt to understand and grow from them.

At first I struggled with the seemingly paradoxical views on self-reliance and friendship.  I am a psychology major and I resented people who were self-absorbed and unable to understand the emotions of others.  The relationships in my life have been my driving force and I was so disturbed by those who were unable to put faith in others.  But the realization that self-reliance and friendship share a symbiotic relationship, with each benefiting one another has truly changed me. It is necessary to be self-reliant and have individual thoughts but at the same time gain insight from others.  Practically applied, I’ve found that each person I have met has had an impact on my life whether it is good or bad, that has shaped me into the person that I am today. But, I am also able to stand on my own two feet by learning from myself. All the heroes that we’ve read about gain their strength from the people around them but depend on themselves to facilitate change.  Friendship and self-reliance are like yin and yang.  Although they seem like opposites they survive because of one another.

All of the hero’s that we’ve read about have taught me that some things are completely ineffable and nearly impossible to be put into words.  These heroes take on the task of articulating these ideas to the best of their ability in order to guide others.   In this way the ineffability acts as the yin while the task of putting these philosophies to words acts as the yang.  The most important message that comes from this though, is that each person must go out and have his or her own human experience.  Although it most likely won’t be as otherworldly as the experiences of Saint Teresa or Gandhi, it is necessary to take learning beyond the classroom.  I’ve realized that the impact I end up having on the world will be a result of going out and doing, not just thinking of doing.  In such a difficult time in our world now, this lesson pushes the idea that my capabilities are endless and makes me look forward to the change that is possible.  Just as the heroes taught of their experiences with words, it is up to us to do the same in order to better our future.

This class has been more of a philosophical transformation for me and I don’t have an immense amount of concrete examples because it’s changed my ideology overall.  Now instead of trying to filter my perceptions through one nearsighted lens I have more of a worldview that accepts paradoxical ideas.  The end of this course is instead the beginning for me as I look forward to continuing to form my own beliefs and recognizing the harmony of everything in our world.  In the inspirational words of Emerson, “Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string.”

Hope my followers (shout out to C.Co and Yanus) enjoyed that.  Peace. Love. Yin and Yang.

Interior Design - My New Bedroom

Lately, I've been captivated by everything Interior Design.  It all started with HGTV.  Design Star became my favorite when I fell in love with Meg Caswell, who ended up winning the show.  Partly because she's from Chicago, partly for her eye for anything and everything that is beautiful.  Now, I'm obsessed with pretty much every HGTV show, I buy Interior Design magazines, and I am constantly going to furniture stores.  I thought to myself, when oh when will I get my chance to put what I've learned to good use?  Well, now that I'm living back home with Moms, we decided it'd be a good idea to redecorate my room.  First project here I come!  Now I've done a lot of looking around and I've pretty much figured out exactly what I want.  Here goes:

Style: Cozy Elegant

Paint Color - Something airy i.e. light green/blue/gray.  Probably something in this green spectrum.
Dressers - Either I'll repurpose the dressers that are already in my room OR (my dream) get these new ones from Jonathan Adler.

Duvet - Now this is definitely up in the air but I really like this one from Z Gallerie.
Chair - This one from CB2 is great but something along these lines.  What I really want  is a chaise lounge...but I'm not sure it'd fit.

Color Scheme - I knew I wanted blues, greens, red's, orange's, basically just a lot of color.  So when I saw these wall hangings, I knew this was the exact color scheme I wanted.

Extra's - I'd love a vanity + desk type thing.  Stained glass.  Lots of storage!  Cool wall hangings, etc.  

More to come on this room.  Peace. love. redecorating.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Three F's - Pinterest, Organic Food, and New Years Eve

Today, I am inspired by everything around me.  Well, maybe that's everyday, but for some reason today is particularly noteworthy.  I've been nannying a lot lately for a lively, curious, sweet, cute as a button, and incredibly entertaining 16 month old.  Let's call her...Pickle.  It's insane how much she has grown and learned (from me!) in the two months I've been helping out.  It just makes me realize that we all should really appreciate our ability to expand beyond limitation.  It reminds me of a quote from my mentor and hero, Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Don't be too timid and squeamish about your actions.  All life is an experiment.  The more experiments you make the better."

On that note, I move on to today's theme: Fashion, Food, and Fun.

Fashion:  Now I definitely wouldn't say I'm particularly fashionable, but I do my research, get plenty of emails, and have a mom in the fashion world.  I've been thinking about it more lately after I went to my first orientation for graduate school.  At my alma mater (HooHooHooHoosiers), I would wear anything to class.  But for this, aside from it being a first impression, I really thought about what to wear.  Here on out, I guess I have to consider this.  Anyways, whether you're business professional or workout every second in your Lululemon, this great new site I found has it all.  Literally all - not just fashion but crafts, travel, anything. This is definitely one for the ladies, but it's a cool bulletin board way to organize your interests.  Check out Pinterest here and share your great finds with me!

Food:  I'm hungry, always.  Maybe I've just eaten a huge meal, or maybe I haven't eaten for hours, but that thought of the next delicious meal is on my mind.  This could be a large (literally) problem but currently Weight Watchers gets me through the planning and healthy thinking.  I'm grateful for fresh, healthy, and specifically organic food.  At Pickle's house, all they have is organic food and it inspired me to potentially one day raise my kids in such a manner.  Hopefully I'll have enough money to do so!  If you're looking to make tasty treats from around the world (which you should do - then invite me to join), check out the World Hearth Circle of International Cooking.

Fun:  I've been semi-thinking about what to do for New Years Eve lately.  I want to make it a good one a. because I like fun, fun is good  b. because NYE is sparkly  and c. because it's the first year my boyfriend and I will have a New Year's kiss.  At first, I thought maybe I want to go visit people and celebrate the year somewhere else.  Then, with the help of a friend's visit, let's call him JC, I decided New Years in Chicago is where it's at.  New Years is about well...the freaking New Year ahead.  So why not celebrate in the place you'll be with the people you love most?!  On the downside, bar parties in Chicago can be insanely pricey and I am insanely broke.  However, my great and wise friend, we'll call her Aliy (she doesn't even get an alias because her name is spelled strangely enough for me already), suggested we go to my all-time favorite bar in the city.  Now, I am extremely excited and don't feel any pressure because The Hangge Uppe will offer me everything I'm looking for: fun, friends, and different music in each room!

Alright, I've impressed myself...I'm actually keeping up with this blog and I actually enjoy it.  Peace, love, and blogging.  I'll see ya next time.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tail-waggers ~ Wills

Tribute to Wills:

I'm gonna make this short and sweet.  You were the best dog/friend to ever have lived. Miss ya Wills Pills, Boo, Willsie Boy.  Love you always you adorable, nutty, amazing soul.

"A house is not a home without a dog."

P.S. I'll definitely pay tribute to you with Jimmer!

Updated Blog Topics

Since I'm no longer doing a blog post a day (let's be realistic here) I'm taking out the Mon-Fri references.  Revamping this blog it is!  I suppose I'll just go in order of topics and what pops in my head:

  • Monday ~ Movies, Music
  • Tuesday ~ Travel, Wanderlust topics
  • Wednesday ~ Wacky, Whatever, Writings (as in old one's I've done)
  • Thursday ~ Tail-Waggers (Dogs, dogs, and more dogs) <--- Can't change that!
  • Friday ~ Fashion, Food, Fun
  • Saturday ~ Scrapbooking, Artsy Endeavors
  • Sunday ~ Spontaneous, Anything of Interest

If you have any ideas for this, let me know! I'd love to hear people's (whoever you are) comments.

Whatever ~ Stumbleupon

I can't get enough of Stumbleupon these days, or ever.   The app on my phone entertains me in the most boring of situations: dentist, grocery store, you name it!  Here's some of my favorites as marked by the "I like it" app on said website.

Small Disclaimer: I started this blog post a while ago and never finished because I was in my oh crap I have a lot to do I shouldn't be blogging phase.  But, I decided to make it a little more private and enjoy rambling.  Since I know I won't actually have time to write every day I'm taking away the alliteration in the form of blog topics.  Whatever Wednesday will just be Whatever. I can't actually remember the true purpose or direction of this Stumbleupon post but I'll do the best I can...and hopefully keep writing.  Also, if I do end up doing this blog as often as I want to right now the posts won't be sooo long.  So those who want to read just to make me happy: Don't worry! You'll have a break soon.

Some of the best (55) Stumbleupon's I've stumbleupon-ed (in arbitrarily organized lists). Pick and choose as you wish:

Random Quotes 

You're - I feel ya. "You had me at the proper use of 'you're'."

Zen Quotes - I'm all about zen...or at least I try to be.

Random Fun "lyrics2liveby" - I always find good stuff when I click the "random" button.  Then I (sometimes) go download the song if I don't already have it.

Once Again Love Adele - She's cool peeps or as JMan would say "cream".

Why Thank You - I secretly love handwriting and want to be able to analyze it.


Get Inspired! - Will ya? Make the world a better place.

Dance in the Rain - Why not?

Albert Einstein Quotes - He's insightful.

Yes we can!
Do It Yourself (slash Interior Design) 

Like this blog post - and blog in general. "Of frames and mirrors." Interior Design: another secret but not so secret interest.

Someone Remind Me to Do This - This looks cool and not so hard!

How to Video's from Videojug - Not into it yet so who knows, but it was noteworthy enough for me to mark as a "favorite" on Stumbleupon.

Making Most of Small Spaces - My life in a nutshell as a postgrad.

Can This Be My Room? - Please.

Stop procrastinating - starting tomorrow.
Productivity - Sorta  

Semi Productive Things to Do Online - Mark and Angel Life Hacks - Love Mark and Angel Life Hacks.

5 Things to Do Every Day for Success - Agreed! - I tried the waking up earlier thing for a few days now. I'm a fan.  It's pretty incredible how much more you can get done.  Next Whatever Wednesday - maybe just maybe I'll try the 5 things straight for a week and write about how it goes...more to come on that.

Study Guides and Strategies - Will this help anyone? Perhaps help them procrastinate more.

Online Shopping

I love how it knows - I love gifting.

Shop It To Me - Put in your email and they'll send you customized items. Personal online shopper! I get emails every so often.

Lists/Cool Bloggers  

Cool Bloggers' List of 100 most beautiful words in the English language - Learn them all?

Want a Personal Code of Conduct? - And this one is cool!

Wine Facts - In list form as a bonus.

Learning is Good - "You are a teacher when the sun goes down." - Mia, Age 3.

25 Lessons {She} Wishe{s} She Had Learned Way Sooner - The fun girlier version of that other list.

Anne Huey drew this!
Artsy Fun  

The Only One I've Done So Far - So far so fun.

Dear Photograph - I'll probably make something like this for someone...sometime.  Maybe you'll be the lucky one.

The Eight Irresistible Principles of Fun - Video I once upon a time stumbled-upon.

Food Gawker - This could definitely help me on Food Fridays if I manage to keep up with this blog!

This is crazy cool - Does Stumbleupon know my age?

Neave Interactive - Paul Neave's Digital digital playground of interactive tools, toys, apps, and art.

Craft Gawker - Started by Chuck Lai: Chief Gawker.

City, Nature, Inside, More - All entertaining. Props to Mark Jenkins.

Wrinkly Babies and Dogs
Cute Things/Mainly Animals  

Please Be Cuter! - Enough said.

Read Karl's - I think he's the best. Shout-out to Meliba and Emba.

I truly love dogs - Just can't get enough.

32 Pictures You (Apparently) Need to See Before You Die - Betty White is the coolest cat! Is she Nana?

Real Monkey? - Doesn't matter - In love no matter what.

This is too amazing - More animals. Stefano Unterthiner Photography.

Babies - Animals (of course) that are babies! Puts ya in a good mood (I hope)!

Happiest Sheep in the World - Actually lol.

Is this real life? - Giraffe and Squirrel.  More like giraffe licking squirrel.

Makes Me Smile - Just a little husky.

For JStuck - Big ol whale.

Look like IU right? Actually it's the APA logo.
Psychology Stuff that Get's My Brain Going  

Lets Make Sense of Dreams! - Another secret or not so secret interest of mine.

This is weird - Did it happen to you too? Not so sure this is related to psychology but it doesn't fit in otherwise.

Personality Tests - Next "Sunday - Spontaneous" - Personality test results? Potentially.

Love Psychology Today Blogs in General - Read if you're "in love."

Want to Laugh? - And read? "30 Very Funny Books" from Psychology Today.

I would like to be here!
Makes Me Feel More Zen/Think  

Peace Love Au Natural - Healthy Remedies Right in Your Home!

Rejuvenation - Shoulder tension relief!

Comprehensive Eh? - Would like to read some of this sometime.

treehugger.com - Love. Tree's apparently give you energy when you hug them. Thanks ChaRnelS.

Board Games - Another secret but not so much interest.
Game Like Activities  

Amazing Fact Generator - "Ms. Emerson's 'Emerson's' Popped Out of Her Dress." Love mentalfloss blog.

Card Games - Let's have a card game party!

Interesting - "Random Oxymoron's" (generator).

Once again, that's all folks.  But hopefully this time not for so long.